In a small Canadian town devastated by economic crisis, a young woman suddenly disappears without leaving a trace. Private investigator Marlène Bernard, from Montreal, starts to investigate. She starts finding disturbing evidences, and ends up being threatened by menacing local police and the oddness of the city. The mystery deepens as her investigation leads her to a strange religious community living on the fringes of society.
Directed by Antoine Besse Writing by Aurélien Molas Producer : John Doe x 22H22 / François Lardenois, Leonard Glowinski & Aurélien Molas DOP : Emmanuel Bernard Line Producer : Philippe Rey Stylism : Caroline Bodson Sound : Thomas Guytard Editing : Cyril Besnard Music : Vincent Leibovitz Grading : Ghislain Rio Soundesign : Samuel Rouillard
***Nommée meilleur web série Globes de Cristal***
***Sélection officielle Séries Mania, catégorie Short Form***
***Sélection officielle Colcoa French Film Festival***